
Bedford 01234 714 555
St Albans 01727 821 765

Millboard Decking

Millboard decking uses a unique material, unrivalled across the globe. A long-lasting alternative to real wood, it looks just as good and comes with a number of added benefits. George Davies Turf are a Platinum Distributor of products from Millboard Composite Decking, a leading name in the industry known for providing a number of high-quality decking options. George Davies Turf were the first stockists of Millboard decking in the UK and have a long-established trading relationship with Millboard that has just seen us appointed as an authorised distributor of their new cladding range of products.

From decking, cladding and fascias to corner profiles, trims and fixings, we have everything you need for your next garden decking project.

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