Blue-Black Granite Sawn & Flamed Slabs


Bedford 01234 714 555
St Albans 01727 821 765

Blue-Black Granite Sawn & Flamed Slabs

AS LOW AS £26.97

Blue Black Granite is a popular alternative to the slate as it is dark in colour and extremely hardwearing. A very popular stone with flamed surface and sawn edges.

Please contact us via our online form or call our offices on 01234 818 253 to discuss your requirements

Product is only half the story here at George Davies; delivery and after-service are just as important. We want every single customer to feel looked after right from your very first contact with us.

Each delivery is made on rigid trucks mounted with forklifts, allowing us to place your products exactly (within reason) where they suit you. Long, narrow tracks and placing bags around the back of your home along with gravel driveways are not a problem. We just ask for a 9ft-by-9ft access to enable the forklifts to get through with ease.

Here at George Davies Turf, we want to make life as easy as we can for you; our website boasts a three-day lead time; however, if you need it sooner, please give us a call, as we normally work on a two-day turnaround.

Our skilled drivers are highly trained and cool under pressure. If you have any limitations at all, please tell us ahead of time at the point of order or add notes to your online order. Trust us when we say our drivers truly make difficult deliveries easy.

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