
Bedford 01234 714 555
St Albans 01727 821 765



**Greenscape has now been replaced by Trident Turf**


Our Popular Greenscape Turf

Greenscape is our most popular turf grade. Is it suitable for golf tees, general lawn use and amenity landscaping.

The turf has a medium texture and will root quickly once laid. Greenscape is versatile, extremely hard wearing and will keep its colour all year round.

Medium Texture Turf


All our turf is fully cultivated and weed free. It is produced to extremely high standards and once we take ownership, we look after it in the best possible way. It will be delivered to your door or job in the excellent condition you would expect.
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We continually monitor the quality and consistency of our Soil products throughout the manufacturing process – to bring you the finest soil available. We have a select range of topsoil supplies including Raised Bed Mix, Ericaceous Soil, Soil Conditioner, Compost & Top Dressing.
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Our bark products are ideal for broadening and enhancing the use of space to make it fully functional and suitable for all to enjoy. Our bark range includes Ornamental bark, play bark, play sand and sharp sand.
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Seed / Fertiliser
Our multipurpose grass seed, The All Rounder, is specifically cultivated to produce a stunning lawn that’s ideal for all around use. Many of our customers have use this seed to thicken their lawns and to treat issues with weeds.
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